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A response from the National Association of Railroad Passengers

OCTOBER 12, 2005: It was revealed last night that the Amtrak Board of Directors, at its September 22, 2005, meeting, approved a resolution directing management "to take all appropriate action to create" a wholly-owned Northeast Corridor Subsidiary that would take title to Amtrak's Northeast Corridor infrastructure.

The resolution states, in part, that the action "is undertaken for purposes of facilitating and furthering future capital investment, financing, development, oversight and operation of the NEC Infrastructure with the intent to enhance the performance and capacity of the NEC Infrastructure for the benefit of the Corporation and all current and future users of NEC Infrastructure."

The board's action appears to reflect a sharp departure from the position it took in the April 2005 "Strategic Reform Initiatives and FY06 Grant Request," which included this:

The reasons for the Board's sudden change of position, and the reasons they kept their action secret for so long are unclear. The board currently has only four voting members rather than the seven the law envisions. Only one, Chairman David Laney, has been confirmed by the Senate. A second, Jeffrey Rosen, represents Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta who has made many negative (and frequently inaccurate) statements about Amtrak this year. The other two members, Floyd Hall and Enrique Sosa, are recess appointments whose terms will expire when Congress adjourns for the year. Some observers have speculated that the White House would reappoint Messrs. Hall and Sosa, but the legality of a 're-recess appointment' is unclear.

[Note: The quotations above are from Amtrak's 2006-2011 Strategic plan, available on their website. The above quotations are from printed page 13, except that the 'without disrupting' paragraph is from page 11. These pages are known electronically as pages 21 and 19, respectively.]



